While influencer marketing is a popular way to promote your supplements and increase your reach, it’s not the only option. Part of what makes marketing fun is that you can get creative and think outside the box. These other options can help you do just that.

Social Media Contests and Giveaways

Social media contests and giveaways can get your followers excited and sharing about your company and products. While each person individually doesn’t have the same reach as an influencer, collectively it can make a big impact. Contests and giveaways is a great way to get your followers spreading the word. Word of mouth marketing might seem old fashioned but it finds new life on social media; Contests and giveaways are a great way to jumpstart that. Here are a few ideas to get you thinking.

  • Share a Video or Photo – Ask your followers to share a video or photo. Make sure to tell them to tag and hashtag so they can help spread the word and link directly back to you. The photo or video can be of them using the product or some other task that relates to your brand.
  • Refer a Friend – Ask your followers to tag their friends for each entry into the contest. This will guarantee that you get more eyes on your page. The people tagged will hopefully also want to enter and tag their friends as well. There’s always the risk that the people tagged are annoyed but it’s worth trying it out at least once.
  • Share a Review – Getting reviews is a huge struggle but extremely important for growing your supplement business. Ask customers to also share their reviews on social in exchange or a discount or free
  • products. If they’re already posting a review on Amazon or eBay, etc. it’s not a big step to also share on social.
  • Follow and Like to Win – This on is simple. Ask people to follow you and like the post to be entered into the giveaway. If they’re already a follower you can ask them to follow you on other social accounts. You can even ask them to leave a comment like “Done” to be officially entered.

Create Brand Ambassadors

A great way to grow your following and reputation is with brand ambassadors. The great thing about brand ambassadors is that you probably already have them all around you. Brand ambassadors aren’t necessarily the people with the biggest following but the people that are the most devoted to your brand. This can be customers that love your products, employees and even family members.

Give them incentive to keep posting and sharing your brand. Offering free products or swag can be great incentive for ambassadors that are already loyal to you. After all when you increase your reach you want the message reaching more people to be a good one! You want people who are passionate to be the ones spreading the word.

Affiliate Marketing

Another way to increase your reach is with is affiliate marketing. Affiliates aren’t motivated by getting paid per post or free product they’re motivated by the cut of the sale. When you create an affiliate program it’s like you’re increasing your marketing team without having to hire on any more marketers. They’re just as motivated to share and promote your products because your success is their success.

That’s of course only if they can make good money doing it.

It’s important to put a lot of thought into the commission structure before you launch an affiliate marketing program. Too little commission and no affiliates will want to work with you too much commission and you’ll put yourself out of business. Here’s a guide to help you put together a winning affiliate marketing program — How to Build an Affiliate Marketing Program (That Everyone Wants to Join!).

Read: How to Grow Your Supplement Business with Influencer Marketing